Visiting Limitations 3-6-20
March 6, 2020
·Activities, Independent Living, Nursing, Pathways, Personal Care, Residents, Skilled Nursing, StaffDear Visitors:
For the health and safety of our residents and staff, and due to a number of respiratory illness cases among resident’s, we ask that visitation at the Manor be limited at this time.
1) Do Not Visit if You are Sick: You place yourself, residents, and staff at risk.
2) If You Must Visit: Limit your visit specifically to your loved ones room. If you must visit while ill, wear a mask.
3) Residents Will be Kept to Their Unit: Residents are unable to visit residents in other units or gather on the sunporch.
Wash Your Hands Before and After You Visit.
We sincerely thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping our residents and staff safe!