Q Tell us a little about yourself!
A I was born in Norfolk, VA. I have two older brothers. I am spontaneous and adventurous. I have been to more countries than I have US states. I I love to play video games and listen to music. Everyday is different for me: one day I’ll be heading somewhere to get my adrenaline fix, and the next day all I want to do is cuddle up and watch a movie or play a game.
Q When did you join the Arbutus Park team?
A I started in 2012 in the kitchen, then made my way to activities in 2015.
Q You have done an incredible job with the spotlight board in Crossroads, where did the idea come from?
A Jackie asked me to do something with the board that involved the residents, so I figured learning about a specific resident each month and seeing what they were like before seemed like the right fit. It is truly worth it when I see the residents and their family members faces light up.
Q What is something most people don’t know about you?
A I play a lot of video games and listen to K-Pop, which is Korean music. I have been to many K-Pop concerts and conventions.
Q If you could travel anywhere, where would you visit? A I would love to visit South Korea or Ireland.
Q Favorite film? A That is a tough one…there are so many I love, but it is a tie between Black Hawk Down, Hacksaw Ridge, and The Great Battle (Korean film). I guess you can tell I love war movies.
Q The best thing in life is?
A Having true friends surrounding you. I am at my best self when I have someone that I care about by my side.