8.21.20 Update: Testing & Visitation
August 21, 2020
·Activities, Personal Care, Residents, Skilled Nursing, StaffAs of 8-21-20, Arbutus Park Manor has completed its mandated universal COVID-19 testing of all employees and residents. All testing results have come back negative. This means Arbutus has no positive COVID-19 residents or employees at this time. However, we will remain vigilant in our efforts to keep residents and employees safe through stringent restrictive protocols and testing procedures. Social distancing, mask wearing, and temperature taking seem to be the new normal during our daily operations.
Please see the letters below for specific updates related to visitation:
-Personal Care Residents & POA (PDF)
-Skilled Nursing Residents & POA (PDF)
Arbutus Park Manor State Plan Document (PDF)
The PDF linked above is our “Implementation Plan for Reopening In Accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Interim Guidance for Skilled Nursing Facilities During COVID-19”