10.7.20 Update Further Developments

October 17, 2020

·Nursing, Personal Care, Residents, Short Term Therapy, Skilled Nursing

Dear Friends & Family of Arbutus Park,

During this week of October 12th, all employees and residents of Arbutus Park Manor were tested for COVID-19. All residents of the manor tested negative with no symptoms of the virus. One employee tested positive. That employee is asymptomatic and is showing no signs of the virus. That employee has been quarantined and all appropriate protocols have been put in place as directed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Federal Centers for Disease Control. Further testing will begin on all residents and all employees on Monday, October 19th. Results of the tests will be shared. We are continuing to follow every guideline mandated by the government agencies to keep all residents and employees safe. Thank you for your understanding.

Rick Wilson