10.12.20 Update Positive Employee Test

October 12, 2020

·Nursing, Personal Care, Residents, Short Term Therapy, Skilled Nursing, Staff

Dear Friends and Family of Arbutus Park,

Another round of testing was completed on October 8th for all employees of Arbutus Park Manor. Over the following weekend we were informed that three employees tested positive. All three employees are asymptomatic, which means they are showing no symptoms of the virus. All three employees provide no direct care to our residents.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has mandated that we test all residents immediately. Testing will be completed today, Monday October 12th. Once the results are determined, we will contact the first power of attorney for each resident that we have on file with the results.

Also, effective immediately, all in-person visitations will be cancelled until further notice. We encourage Facetime and Skype sessions between family members and residents.

There will be no beauty shop services provided for the near future.

Residents will be required to eat their meals in their rooms and not
go to the common dining rooms.

There will be no group activities. All activities will be held in the
resident’s rooms.

These changes, as mandated by the Pa. Department of Health will continue
until there is a 14 consecutive day period in which there are no positive tests by employees or staff.

Please know that we have followed, and will continue to do so, all guidance set forth for privacy, patient care, employee safety, and efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 as provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. We will remain in constant contact with these agencies.

It is disheartening to us, and all of you, to have to take these backward steps. Thank you all for the support and prayers as we continue to go through this unprecedented time.

Rick Wilson