Home for the Holidays 2023
Arbutus Park Retirement Community is excited to announce the return of a beloved tradition with ‘Home for the Holidays’ taking place on campus December 8 and 9. A resident and staff favorite, the event features horse drawn carriage rides, pictures and cookies with Santa, the famous Christmastown train display, vendors, food, musical performances, and the cottage decorating contest. We look forward to sharing the holiday spirit with our team, residents, family, and friends! More specifics will be announced in the coming weeks, but save the date: Friday December 8 from 10am-3pm and Saturday December 9 from 10am-2pm.
In order for the event to take place, any ill or symptomatic manor residents will be unable to participate in the 1st floor activities, but are welcome to have friends and family visit with them in their room.
Letter to Family/Friends from Melinda Frye, Activities Director
All Events are Located on the 1st Floor of the Manor.
Mrs. Clause’s Café: Beverages, Pizza, Subs, and Snacks- hosted by the Arbutus Park Auxiliary and located in the Private Dining Room/Personal Care Dining Room.
North Pole Shopping: A wide variety of vendors: everything from jewelry, crafts, antiques, and more! Located in the Community Room.
1. Auxiliary Goods and Gift Wrapping
2. SEADS Garden Center
3. BAB Customs & Designs
4. Charlene Williams – Wreaths
5. Dolly’s Aprons
6. Linda Riddle and Westmont Quilters
7. A Cut Above – Stained glass, and home decor
8. Trish Shaffer – Mary Kay
9. Tastefully Simple
10. Scentsy – Candles and Home Fragrance
11. Janets Hands – Crochet toys
12. Diamond Art by Karen
13. Stacey Gilpatrick – crochet
14. Kile’s Goat Farm Soaps
15. Manor Resident Shopping
Christmas Town Train Display: 1:00-3:00pm on November 26, 29 and December 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19, 23, 26, 29 and January 1. Trains are located in the Community Room with the vendors.
Carriage Rides: Saturday Only, from 10:30am-1:30pm on the Personal Care Portico along the front of the Manor.
Hot Chocolate Bar: Located on the Manor sunporch, purchase and customize your hot cocoa! $5 benefits APRC Team Spirit.
Pictures and Cookies with Santa: Stop by the Personal Care ‘Blue Room’ for a printed photo with Santa, and cookies! Pictures will also be shared in an album on our Facebook page afterwards. Friday from 10-12 & 12:45-3pm and Saturday from 10-12 & 12:45-2pm
Elf’s Workshop: Children’s Crafts located in the ‘Pepsi Room’ on Saturday.
Walt & Jackie: Friday 10-11:45am in the Manor lobby.
Swigle Mountain Brass Quintet: Friday 1:30pm in the Manor lobby.
Westy Choir: Saturday 11am in the Manor lobby.
Deck the Doors Competition: Our cottage community goes all out in a competition for prizes, striving for the most votes on our Facebook page album and a special ‘Cottagers Choice’ internal award. Located on Wesley Drive, Otterbein Lane, Canterbury Way, Nadona Ave, Jacob Albright Drive, and Kissell Lane.
Last Updated 12.5.23