Short Term Therapy

Arbutus Park Retirement Community provides comprehensive therapy programs and services to our residents as well as the general public. Arbutus is committed to providing quality, individual focused health care and setting the standard for excellence in rehabilitation.
Our primary therapy goal is to help a resident recover and return home. Sometimes a resident cannot return to their prior level of physical functioning due to new disabilities or limitations. The goal is then changed to maximize their potential in areas, such as, nutrition, personal hygiene, and mobility.

Arbutus partners with AdvantageCare Rehabilitation to provide the highest quality therapy services to residents. Licensed professionals evaluate, plan, and execute treatment plans individualized for each resident. The Arbutus goal is to help each resident achieve maximum functional independence and quality of life.

Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is a form of rehabilitative healthcare that uses individually designed exercises programs and equipment to help individuals recuperate, maintain or improve their physical abilities due in part to disease, injury, or disability. Physical therapist work toward improving goals such as: balance, gait training, step negotiation, safety awareness, and training of appropriate assisted devices. Physical therapist focus on maintaining their clients quality of life or the enhancement and/or restoration of movement and function.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy is a client-centered approach that helps resident’s perform daily functional activities that are most meaningful and important to the individual to include: cooking, bathing, dressing, eating and leisure activities – each “job” is modified to the individual based on their specific needs. Occupational therapists skill set includes being able to adapt an individual’s surrounding so that the individual is at their maximum levels of independence. OT provides a combination of therapeutic approaches including: restoration of skills, improving overall strength, utilizing compensatory strategies for deficits present and being able to adapt ones surrounding so that any disabilities and/or limitations will not impede ones independence.

Speech- Language Therapy
Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are part of the interdisciplinary team at Arbutus with the aim to improve deficits in language, speech, voice, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing. SLP’s develop treatment strategies to address swallowing skills through the use of oral and pharyngeal strengthening, diet modification, and compensatory strategy training. SLP’s develop treatment strategies to maximize cognitive-communication, speech, and language function by addressing: Patient’s ability to effectively communicate wants and needs and cognitive status such as memory, orientation, problem solving, and reasoning skills.

Restorative Nursing
Arbutus Park Retirement Community offers restorative nursing which is a program designed for residents to maintain their full potential of abilities for as long as possible once physical, occupational and speech therapy services have concluded. Restorative nursing allows residents to improve and maintain function as well as prevent complications associated with multiple diagnoses. This special care improves the quality of life for each resident.

OT, PT, ST and nursing work toward their residents goals collaboratively to ensure a safe transition to the next level of care, whether that be home, assisted living, personal care or long term skilled nursing we tailor our plans of care to optimize independence for a more functional future.